What's for dinner?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What's for dinner?


Cooking has always been a best friend of mine. It resonates so well and deeply with(in) me that I really need no encouragement to whip up something good but quick! Therefore, I love to cook for my family, and being the designated chef at home has never ever bothered me. (When I cook, something magical happens to my tired-out-wife-mom-student soul, and I become recharged, and think that I could sing a solo in the Opera House in Sydney!) :)

However, since I'll be away for my research for months on end, Wendell will be left to his own devices when it comes to food. Therefore, I thought to post some of the favourite recipes from our household in the hopes that they would tickle his fancy some days and get him to cook, and feed himself some homey and hearty meals (not to mention save some $! eating out is an expensive hobby, unfortunately). So, Wendell: put down those chips, and fix yourself something for a change! :)

Content of blog:

Since I got this site open/registered the other day, I have started to jot down a few recipe ideas, but was becoming unconvinced day after day that this was how Wendell would see food, and cook it. Slowly, it became clear to me that recipes would have to be prefaced with some kind of introduction to the food/ingredient in question to help him understand what is being consumed, on top of how to prepare a decent meal.

I have also been debating on which cooking method would best apply to a novice, and more importantly, keep that novice on the path of culinary enlightenment (before becoming so disheartened as to make a daily pilgrimage to the take-aways for a more satisfying 'fill'). Hence, earlier recipes would have to feature easier-less fussier cooking strategies, I think. And only later on, recipes might feature more elaborate preparation and methods, etc. (The deal is: Wendell must try the easier, before progressing to the more challenging, right? :)).

Last but not least, nothing in the world, including food, is so boring that it could not change in a moment to become more lively, more engaging, more interesting. So, things that give a punch, take the recipe to gastronomy heaven, need to be thought of ever so often. Recipes for condiments like chili sauces, etc, would also be something that I will be interested to post here.

So, on that note, here's to life, as I look forward to love, eat, cook... and hey, teaching your husband to cook, long-distance, is something worth looking forward to, right? ... and if all else fails, why, I still have you! :)

Trixie, feeding Wendell since 1999

A little side info:
Wendell is your basic 'meat and potatoes' type man, so our home food have always been of the oily-schmoily variety. How very artery-clogging you say? Why yes, and lovely to eat too! Hehe... We do however, surprisingly, have a dedicated vegetarian at home in the form of Kimo, our 4 year old boy, so we have to try and abide to the 2 + 5 fruit and veg recommendation of the health professionals.